In Depth: Materials 和 最后期限

You've got a lot to keep track of. Let us help you sort through the options for how to apply.

You've got a lot to keep track of. Let us help you sort through the options for how to apply.

应用ing to college is a big deal. 我们在这里引导你通过各种事情来考虑你准备申请菲律宾十大彩票平台. As always, whenever you have questions, connect with us.

Dates to Consider

Early Decision

This is a great option if 菲律宾十大彩票平台 is your first choice. If we offer you admission through Early Decision, 你需要撤回所有其他申请并在菲律宾十大彩票平台注册. 你可以在等待早期决定的回复时向其他大学提交常规决定申请.

在早期决策中,我们会做出以下三种决定之一:承认、推迟和拒绝. 被录取的学生应撤回所有其他申请并计划在菲律宾十大彩票平台注册. 被推迟的学生将在常规决定中自动重新考虑. 被拒绝的学生不应重新申请在常规决定中考虑, 但如果他们没有进入大学,可以重新申请下一个申请周期.

Fall Early Decision Dates

Winter Early Decision Dates

Regular Decision

This is how most students will apply to 菲律宾十大彩票平台. 如果你想等到四月再考虑所有的offer,这是个不错的选择. It can also allow you to compare financial aid packages.


We partner with QuestBridge, a nationwide program that supports talented, high-achieving, low-income students. 我们通过国家学者匹配程序接受QuestBridge申请. 我们也通过提前决定和常规决定接受他们. 所以截止日期取决于你申请哪一轮录取. If QuestBridge interests you, be sure to read about the QuestBridge application process.

  • Application materials submitted: Late September

Transfer Students

菲律宾十大彩票平台每个秋季学期接受一些转学生. 申请材料与一年级申请者相似. 要从菲律宾十大彩票平台毕业,你必须在菲律宾十大彩票平台住至少两年. This includes your senior year.

Application Logistics

Application Status, Decision Notification, Enrollment

After you’ve applied, you’ll be given access to an applicant status page to track your documents. 我们也会在这里公布你的录取决定,不过我们也会通过邮件发送决定. 居住在美国以外的被录取学生将通过快递服务(联邦快递)收到录取通知, DHL, 等.). 被录取的学生可以通过申请人状态页面确认他们的入学, or by mailing the enrollment agreement 和 a check.

Enrollment Deposit


应用ing for Financial Aid

Generally speaking, we require the FAFSA 和 CSS Profile. 看到我们的 Financial Aid Information for Prospective Students for more information.

Late Applicants

Applications may be submitted late, 但在截止日期前申请的学生将优先考虑. 迟交申请的学生必须认识到,他们是在空间有限的基础上申请的. 在某些年份,学院可以录取迟到的申请人. In other years, 一年级的学生班级可能会被填满,我们想要录取的学生必须被放在等待名单上,看看是否在春末或初夏出现空缺.

Early Admission

学生可以在不完成第四年中学教育的情况下被菲律宾十大彩票平台录取. 预计这些候选人将具有不同寻常的强大学术资历, display a high degree of maturity, 并得到他们所在中学的热情支持.


被录取的学生如果希望在中学毕业后推迟一年上大学(间隔年),可以通过提交一份申请表格来申请这个机会 Gap Year Request Form. We ask that you submit your request by 5月1日. 菲律宾十大彩票平台办主任可以根据具体情况选择审查逾期申请. 获得间隔年延期的学生既不能申请也不能注册其他授予学位的学院/大学课程.

Application Materials

We need the following documents to evaluate your application:

First-Year Students

  • Application: We accept the 常见的应用程序, QuestBridge App, Coalition App (we have no preference)
  • Transcript: should include:
    • 高中前三年的班级和成绩
    • your senior year schedule
    • 四年级第一学期起的成绩(如有)
  • High School Counselor Recommendation (also known as “School Report”)
  • Two academic teacher recommendations
  • Test Scores (optional): SAT or ACT
    • 菲律宾十大彩票平台对申请2024年秋季入学和2025年秋季入学的一年级申请者采取了可选择考试的政策. 这意味着不需要SAT或ACT的成绩,但你仍然可以提交它们.
    • 菲律宾十大彩票平台不要求这两个测试的写作部分
    • 你可能 self-report your scores or send scores through your school counseling office
    • For students submitting scores, 收到这些考试成绩的截止日期是11月20日 (for Fall Early Decision applicants) 和 January 20 (适用于冬季提前录取和常规录取申请人).
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test 以非英语为主要教学语言的学生
  • SAT Subject Tests are optional
  • No application fee

Transfer Students

  • Application: 常见的应用程序
  • Report from Registrar or School Official (this confirms you are in good st和ing)
  • Transcripts (Final High School 学院)
  • Two teacher recommendations
  • Test Scores (optional): SAT or ACT
    • 菲律宾十大彩票平台对申请2024年和2025年秋季入学的一年级申请者采取了可选择考试的政策. 这意味着不需要SAT或ACT的成绩,但你仍然可以提交它们.
    • 菲律宾十大彩票平台不要求这两个测试的写作部分
    • 你可能 self-report your scores
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test 以非英语为主要教学语言的学生
  • SAT Subject Tests are optional
  • No application fee

Optional Materials



我们的面试是你和菲律宾十大彩票平台团队成员之间的低调对话. They are meant to be informative. 他们会帮助你更好地了解如何融入菲律宾十大彩票平台. 他们帮助我们了解如何在我们的社区中培养你的长处和才能.

We require an interview.

We interview high school students 从大三的5月1日到大四的1月15日. We interview transfer students through February 15. 我们提供 several interview options on- 和 off-campus.


We allow applicants to submit arts supplements in:

  • 音乐
  • 剧院
  • 跳舞
  • the visual arts
  • 电影

You can submit these on your applicant status page, which you’ll gain access to after you apply. We send your samples to appropriate 菲律宾十大彩票平台 professors. They review your samples for the admissions committee.

These portfolios are not required for participation or majoring in the arts at 菲律宾十大彩票平台. 欢迎所有学生提交材料,无论他们在菲律宾十大彩票平台的计划如何.

How to submit arts supplements

You can upload your portfolio of work at the bottom of the applicant status page下, 投资组合. Please note the following guidelines:

  • 所有学生:包括有助于教师了解你的经验和对学科的兴趣程度的信息. 例如:履历、个人陈述、个人样本描述.
  • 所有样本:包括表达和技巧的对比例子
  • Visual art: submit no more than 20 images
  • Video 和 audio samples: no more than 3-5 minutes long
  • 合奏演出:我们更喜欢个人作品. 如果您提交的是合奏作品,请通过描述和/或编辑说明您的贡献.


Want to play a varsity sport at 菲律宾十大彩票平台? Contact the coach directly through the recruit questionnaire.

Financial Aid

If you expect to need financial aid, we encourage you to apply for financial aid.